General Ledger  Journal Entry  Journal Entry Form Defined

Journal Entry Form Defined (continued)

Header (continued)

Reversal Entry - If User wishes for the Journal Entry being entered to automatically be reversed on a future date, this option must be selected.  If this option is selected, the User must provide a date in the next field (Date) to indicate on what date the Reversing Journal Entry will be recorded to the General Ledger.

Date - This field is only available if the Reversal Entry option (previous field) was selected.  The User must provide the date on which the Reversing Journal Entry will be recorded to the General Ledger.

Show Job Costing - Selecting this option will display additional data entry fields in the body of the Journal Entry.  This option only needs to be selected if the Journal Entry being created will be distributing amounts to one or more Jobs.

Show Branches - Selecting this option will display the Branch field in the Body of the Journal Entry form.  If amounts are being distributed to multiple Branches, this option must be selected.  If your company is operating under one Branch, the User may un-check this option; the application will automatically fill in the only company branch available when the Journal Entry is saved.





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