Inventory Issues & Returns

Issues & Returns (continued)

Return Parts from a Service or Inspection Ticket (continued)

Data Entry Field Definitions

Radio Buttons - Select the Service radio button.

Warehouse - Select the Warehouse from the drop-down list to which the parts are being returned.

Service Ticket - The User may type in the Service or Inspection Ticket Number or press the  lookup button to the right of the field to select from a list of open Tickets.

Issue Date - Enter or select a date from the calendar.  This is the date the parts are being returned to the Warehouse.

Category Code - Select the appropriate Category from the drop-down list.

Set All Qty to 0 - If all parts are not being returned, press this button to zero out the quantity of all parts listed in the grid.  If all parts previously issued are being returned to stock, do not press this button.

Return to Stock - Select this option.

Parts List - The Parts List will automatically fill in with all parts previously issued from the selected warehouse.  If all parts listed are being returned to the warehouse, press the Save button and all parts previously issued to the ticket will be returned to the selected Warehouse.  If a partial return is being performed, the User will modify the quantities displayed on the parts list.  Only parts with a quantity greater than zero will be returned to the warehouse.



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