Inventory Physical Inventory

Physical Inventory (continued)

Count Day - Create the Physical Inventory Records (continued)

Setup Information - Data Entry Field Definitions

Detail Section

Code - Enter a code for this physical count.  This must be a unique value and may not be re-used.  An example would be the count date followed by the warehouse code.

Description - This field will auto fill with the code assigned in the previous field; this may be modified if desired.

Warehouse - Select the Warehouse from the drop-down list.

Start Date - Enter the date the Warehouse will become locked for the count.

Lock Warehouse - This option will automatically be selected; do not un-check this option.

Count Sheets Section

Sort Count Sheet By - Select the order in which the count sheets will be printed using three unique values.  Sort choices are: part code, description, detail description, product line, row, shelf, bin.  Each sort field must contain a different value.

Once all of the above information has been entered, press the  button located to the right of the Lock Warehouse field.

4.  The Parts form will be displayed listing all the Parts to count within the Warehouse.  Press the Save button located at the lower right of the form.

5.  The User will be returned to the Physical List form where the new Physical Inventory record will be displayed in the list.



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