Physical Inventory (continued)
Entering Recounts
11. Once the Variance Report has been reviewed, if any changes need to be made to the counts, open the Physical Counts form again to make the count adjustments.
Count changes are again entered into the +/- column. If the number of parts needs to be increased over the original count, type in just the change quantity.
Example 1:
The original count saved was 2, however the recount number is 5; the User will enter 3 into the +/- column.
Example 2:
The original count saved was 3, however the recount number is 2; the User will enter -1 into the +/- column.
Once all adjustments have been entered, press the Save button. The Variances will be recalculated.
If your company
is finished with all counts and recounts and is ready to accept any
variances, it is recommend to print a final Variance Report either
to paper or to an electronic file.
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