Job Management Scheduling Rescheduling a Job Appointment

Rescheduling a Job Appointment

Reschedule an Appointment from a Job Record

If a Job Appointment needs to be rescheduled, this may be done from a Job Record or from the Appointment Summary.  This section will provide instructions on how to reschedule an Appointment from a Job record.

1.  From the Main Application Menu navigate to Job Management and select the Job Queue menu option.

2.  The Open Job List will be displayed.  Highlight the Job within the list then press the Open button located at the lower right of the form or double-click on the Job line.

3.  Press the Labor button on the Job Toolbar.

4.  From the Labor Toolbar, press the Appointments button.

5.  Highlight the Appointment to be rescheduled, right-click and select the Edit Appointment option.




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