Sales Management Opportunities Opportunity Form Definitions
Definitions of the Opportunity Form (continued)
Opportunity Information Data Entry Fields
Opportunity Title - This will be defaulted by the application; the word Opportunity followed by the number of this opportunity and the Prospect Name. The User may change this to some other text to identify the Opportunity. In a commercial environment this may be a project name.
Residential or Commercial - Select the appropriate radio button that applies to the Site for the Opportunity.
Site Name - The application automatically defaults the name of the Prospect; this may be overridden.
Site Address - The application automatically defaults the address entered for the Prospect; this may be overridden if different from the Prospect address.
Total Items & Total Recurring - These two fields will automatically be populated with the totals for Items and Recurring Items entered into the Sales Items section. These are view only fields.
System Type - Select the type of System being quoted to the Prospect.
Status - This field will default to the Status selected for the Prospect; the User may select a different Status for this Opportunity from the drop-down list.
Source - This field will default to the Source selected for the Prospect; the User may select a different Source for this Opportunity from the drop-down list.
Quote Type - Select the appropriate Quote Type from the drop-down list.
% to Close - The choices in this drop-down list is controlled by SedonaOffice and is a required field. The User must select from one of the four values listed. This field defines the likelihood of closing the sale. Choices are 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%.
Est Close - Enter or select a date from the calendar on which the sale is estimated to be closed.
Next Follow Up - The User may enter a follow up date which will appear in the Opportunity Queue.