Sales Management Opportunities Opportunity Form Definitions

Definitions of the Opportunity Form

The following pages will describe the layout and the data entry fields contained on the Opportunity form.  For detailed instructions on creating a new Opportunity refer to the topic links found under Opportunities Overview.

Opportunities are used by SedonaOffice customers that have not purchased QuoteWerks or WeSuites.  An Opportunity is summary information listing what has been quoted to the Prospect.  Detailed quotes and proposal submitted to the Prospect are created outside of the SedonaOffice application.

The Opportunity form is divided into three major sections; the Opportunity List, Opportunity Information and Sales Items.  Each of these sections are described below.  At the bottom of the Opportunity form are several function buttons; these will be described after the Sales Items section.

Opportunity List

An Opportunity is comprised of two two of elements; the Opportunity Information and Sales Items.  Once an Opportunity is saved, it will appear in the Opportunity List.

Opportunity Information

The Opportunity Information section describes the Site of where equipment will be installed or will services will be delivered along with other information related to what is being quoted to the Prospect.

Sales Items

The Sales Items lists what is being quoted to the Prospect; the type of System to be installed and/or the type of Services to be delivered.  The Sales Items section does not detail the individual parts used in the installation of a System.  Detailed quotes are created outside of the SedonaOffice application.




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