Sales Management Opportunities Opportunity Form Definitions

Definitions of the Opportunity Form (continued)

Sales Items Data Entry Fields

Sales Item - Select the type of Sales Item being quoted from the drop-down list.  If a default rate was set for the Sales Item, that amount will default into the Rate field.

Description - The Description will automatically fill in when a Sales Item is selected.  This is a display only field and may not be changed.

Cycle - If the Sales Item selected was for a recurring service, the default cycle will default for the Sales Item; this may be overridden by the User.

Qty - The Quantity will default to 1 but may be overridden by the User.

Rate - This is a display only field.  The rate will default from the Sales Item selected This is a display only field and may not be changed.  If the default rate is not correct the User will type in the correct amount into the Adj Rate field (next field below).

Adj Rate - If the amount being quoted is different than the amount defaulted into the Rate field, the User may type in the amount in this field or use the Adj Pctg (adjustment percentage) field to increase or discount the rate by a percentage.

Adj Pctg - This field is used to increase or decrease the Rate by a percentage.  If the amount in Adj Rate field was changed, this field will display the percentage of increase or decrease of the default rate for the Sales Item.

Amount - This is a display only field; which is calculating the qty x the rate or adj rate.  This field may not be changed.





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