Service Vendor Service Ticket Overview Creating & Processing Vendor Service Tickets
Creating and Processing Vendor Service Tickets (continued)
Final Processing Steps
14. Once service has been performed by the Service Provider, the User will update the ticket with the information provided by the Vendor.
· Open the Vendor PO and confirm the amount of the PO is for the correct amount; modify the amount if needed.
· Receive the Vendor PO. Refer to the Accounts Payable section of this help for instructions on receiving purchase orders.
· Make certain all part PO's have been received. If all PO's have not been received, the ticket may not be closed.
· On the Ticket form, select a Resolution Code.
· If the ticket is billable to the Customer, check the Part prices for accuracy.
· Navigate to the Other form and select the appropriate Item Code to bill for Labor charges and any other charges to be invoiced to the customer.
15. Navigate to the Billing form.
Review Billing Charges Summary - Once all parts and other charges have been entered, navigate to the Billing form to review the totals for accuracy. If the totals are correct, press the Create Invoice located at the lower left of the form.
Once the Invoice has posted, the Create Invoice button will change to the View Invoice button. If the User has permission to edit existing AR transactions, the View Invoice button may be pressed to review the invoice lines, make any changes then re-save the Invoice. If the User does not have edit permissions, this button will be grayed-out.
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