Service Vendor Service Ticket Overview Creating & Processing Vendor Service Tickets

Creating and Processing Vendor Service Tickets

A Vendor Service Ticket may be created in several places within the SedonaOffice application; each creation method will be described in this section.  The data entry forms contained within a Vendor Service Ticket are comprised of several data entry fields.  For detailed descriptions of each data entry field on each form refer to the Service Topics links for more information. 

This section will follow a Vendor Service Ticket from creation all the way through to invoicing and closing the ticket.  The example processing flow will assume parts are used and other charges are billed to the customer.  The example will also assume the System is out of warranty and charges will be calculated according to the Service Level rules for the Service Ticket.

Follow the steps below to create a new Vendor Service Ticket.

1.  Begin the ticket by using one of the navigation methods below.  All of the options listed below will bring the User to the New Vendor Service Ticket Form.

·      Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select he Service/Service Ticket Queue option.  Once the Service Ticket Queue is displayed, press the New button at the lower right of the form.  The customer lookup form will be displayed.  Locate the customer and select the system for which the Service Ticket is being created.

·      Open the Customer Explorer Record for which a Service Ticket will be created.  Highlight the Service option from the Customer Tree; right-click and select New Service Ticket option.

·      Open the Customer Explorer Record for which a Service Ticket will be created.  Expand the customer tree for the System for which the ticket is being created; highlight the Service option within the System tree; right-click and select New Service Ticket option.



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