Service Appointment Summary
The Appointment Summary (continued)
Technician Schedule Board
The Technician Schedule Board is a grid displaying the names of Technicians and/or Installer across the top and Appointment time slots along the left side of the form. As appointments are scheduled from a Ticket or a Job, the will appear on the Appointment Summary. The background color of the appointment changes as Technician dispatch times are entered. Below is the color code key.
Yellow - Open, not scheduled
Blue - Technician Dispatched
Green - Technician on Site
Red - Technician Departed
Orange - Appointment Departed and flagged as a Go Back (Service & Inspection Tickets only)
Gray - Ticket Resolution code entered
Several functions may be performed directly from the Technician Schedule Board. These functions are listed within this topic.
Drag & Drop Tickets or Jobs directly onto the schedule board.
Rescheduling an Appointment for the same day to a different Technician or for the same Technician on the same day in a different time slot may be performed by dragging the appointment to the desired Technician time slot on the schedule board.
Perform Live Dispatching by right-clicking on an appointment and selecting the Dispatch, Arrive or Depart option.
Manual Dispatching by right-clicking on an appointment and selecting the Technician Times option.
Open a Ticket or Job for viewing or editing by right-clicking on an appointment and selecting either the Edit Job or Edit Ticket option.
Open an Appointment to view or edit by right-clicking on an appointment and selecting the Technician Appointment option.
Delete an Appointment by right-clicking on an appointment and selecting the Delete Appointment option.
Send a text message to the Technician assigned to the Ticket or Job by right-clicking on an appointment and selecting the Send Text Message option. A text address must be setup on the Technician record in SedonaSetup to use this option.