Service Service Ticket Overview Ticket Form

Ticket Form Definitions

When a new Service Ticket is created, the Ticket form is the first data entry form that must be filled out to be able to save the ticket.  This form is comprised of selection fields, free-form text fields, and informational fields.  Each Selection Field displays an arrow to the right of the field; the User will press this arrow to reveal a list of choices from which to select.  In the Free-Form Text Fields the User may type in any pertinent information as long as it does not exceed the character limit for the field.  The Informational Fields are displayed in a blue font; there is often more information contained in the field than there is room to display on the Ticket form.  The User may double-click on the blue text to display the entire content of the field information.

Each field on the Ticket form will be described below.

Contact - This is a Selection Type field; a Contact Name is selected from the drop-down list.  The User may manually type in the Name of the person calling for service if the name is not on the Contact list.  A new Contact may be created on the fly by pressing the Contacts button  to the right of the Contact field.

Phone - If a contact was selected in the Contact field, the phone number will automatically default into this field.  The User may type in a different phone number if necessary.

System Acct - This is an Informational Field which displays the System Account Number (central station account).

System Type - This is an Informational Field which displays the System Type.



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