Service Service Ticket Overview Ticket Form

Ticket Form Definitions (continued)

Est Length - This is a Free-Form field;  the Estimated Length of Time (in minutes) will default to the value assigned to the Problem Code selected.  The User may override if necessary.  The User must type in a value in a multiple of the Appointment Summary.  If the Appointment Summary time slots is set up for 60 minute increments, the User may enter 60, 120, 180 minutes etc.

Customer Comments - This is a Free-Form Text field; the User will type in why the customer is calling for service.  This field is limited to 256 characters.  If a longer comments needs to be entered, the User will enter a Field Note with the additional information.

Tech - This is a Selection Type field;  The User does not need to make a selection in this field.  When a Technician appointment is created, the name of the scheduled Technician will display in this field.

PO Number - This is a Free-Form Text field;  if the customer provides a purchase order number for billing purposes, that number is entered into this field and will print on the customer invoice.  If the System record is flagged for PO Required, this field will be highlighted in yellow;  the Service Ticket may not be saved until a PO number is entered into this field.

GL Category - This is a Selection Type field;  this field will default to the Category assigned in Service Company for the ticket.

Resolution - This is a Free-Form Text field;  once a service call has been completed, the User will select a Resolution Code to describe how the problem was corrected.  A Ticket cannot be invoiced until a Resolution Code has been selected and saved to the ticket.



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