Service Service Ticket Overview Ticket Form

Ticket Form Definitions (continued)

Panel Type - This is an Informational Field which displays the Panel Type.  If a panel type was not entered on the System record this field will be blank.

Panel Location - This is an Informational Field which displays the location of the installed Panel.  If a panel location was not entered on the System record this field will be blank.

Next Inspection - This is an Informational Field.  If periodic inspections have been setup for the System, the next inspection due date will be displayed.

Site Phone - This is an Informational Field.  The Site 1 Phone Number is displayed in this field.

Map Code - This is an Informational Field.  This field will display information entered into the Map Code field on the Site record.

Cross Street - This is an Informational Field.  This field will display information entered into the Cross Street field on the Site record.

Warranty - This is an Informational Field.  The Warranty Code assigned to the System will be displayed in this field.

Warranty Start - This is an Informational Field.  The date the System Warranty began will be displayed in this field.

Memo - This is an Informational Field.  This field will display information entered into the Memo field on the System record.



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