Service Service Ticket Overview Ticket Form
Ticket Form Definitions (continued)
Comments - This is an Informational Field. This field will display information entered into the Comments field on the Site record.
Notes - This is an Informational Field. This field will display information entered into the Notes field on the Site record.
Service Company - This is a Selection Type field; the Service Company defaults from the System record. The Service Company may be overridden if necessary by making a selection from the drop-down list or pressing the lookup button to the right of this field.
Svc Level - This is a Selection Type field; the Service Level defaults from the System record. The Service Level may be overridden if necessary by making a selection from the drop-down.
Problem Code - This is a Selection Type field; the User must make a Problem Code selection. This is the only required field on the Ticket form (other than PO Required field).
Secondary Problem - This is a Selection Type field; this is an optional field. If this field is grayed-out, your company has not set up Secondary Problem Codes.
Expertise Level - This is a Selection Type field; the Expertise Level will default to the value assigned to the Problem Code selected. The User may override if necessary.
Priority - This is a Selection Type field; the Priority will default to the value assigned to the Problem Code selected. The User may override if necessary.