Accounts Receivable Payment Processing How to Create a Regular Payment Batch

How To Create a Regular Payment Batch

A customer payment batch consists of two elements; 1) the batch header which specifies the date, description and the tape (expected) total and 2) the individual payments for each customer.  The User must first create the Batch Header before being able to enter the customer payments.

When creating a Payment Batch Header, the User has the option of entering a Tape Total amount; it is recommended that the User first totals all payments on a calculator prior to beginning the batch.  As customer payments are entered by the User, the application keeps a running total of all the payments.  If a data entry error is made when entering payments, the User will have a total to compare to if an actual tape total is entered when creating the batch.

If entering payments for Credit Cards or ACH transactions and your company is not using ACH Direct for automated payment processing, separate payment batches should be created for Credit Cards, ACH and Checks.  This will make the bank reconciliation process much easier at a later time.

1.  Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select the Accounts Receivable / Payment Processing menu option.

2.  Create the Payment Batch Header – The Payment Processing Batches form will be displayed.  Press the New button located at the lower right of the form to begin a new payment batch.


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