Accounts Payable Vendors The Vendor Explorer

The Vendor Explorer Record (continued)

Vendor Tree (continued)

Purchase Price Variances - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Purchase Price Variances that have been recorded for the vendor.  Double-clicking on a Purchase Price Variance record listed in the Active Pane will open the transaction that caused the variance for viewing.  A Purchase Price Variance is automatically recorded to the general ledger when a bill is entered for an amount that is different from the received cost on a Purchase Order for inventory parts.

Right-Click Options:


Receipts - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Purchase Order Receipts that have been created for the vendor.  Double-clicking on a Receipt listed in the Active Pane will open the Receipt for viewing.  The Receipt may be modified if the User has the appropriate security permissions granted.

Right-Click Options:

New Receipt

Edit Receipt

Returns - When highlighting this option the Active Pane will display all Return to Vendor records that have been created for the vendor.  Double-clicking on a Return listed in the Active Pane will open the Return record for viewing.  The Return may be modified if a Vendor Credit has not yet been entered for the Return and the User has the appropriate security permissions granted.

Right-Click Options:

New Return

Edit Return


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