Sales Management Prospects Prospect Form Definitions

Definitions of the Prospect Form (continued)

The Prospect form contains fields where data is manually typed in by the User and fields where a selection must be made from a drop-down list of choices.  The choices that appear in the drop-down list are controlled by the values set up in SedonaSetup.  There are function buttons located at the lower left of the Prospect form.  These function buttons will be described after the data entry field definitions.

Prospect Form Data Entry Fields

Inactive - This option is used to inactivate a Prospect.  Once a Prospect has been inactivated, it will disappear from the Prospect Queue.  A Prospect may be reactivated at a later time if necessary.

Residential or Commercial - Select the appropriate radio button that applies to the Prospect.  If the Commercial option is selected a field will be displayed to enter the name of the Company.  This is a required field.

Company - If the Commercial radio button was selected, enter the name of the Company.

Name - For Residential type Prospects, enter the Last Name, First Name.  If the Commercial type radio button was selected, enter the primary contact name for the company.

Address - Press the address button to enter the address of the Prospect.  After entering the street address information, tab to the Zip Code field.  Enter the Zip Code then press the tab key.  The City and State will automatically fill in.

Status - Select the Prospect Status from the drop-down list.  This describes where the Prospect is in the Sales cycle.  This field is manually updated by a User as the Prospect moves through the sales cycle.

Source - Select the Lead Source from the drop-down list.  This describes how the Prospect heard about your company.

Re-Flag - Selecting this option will open two additional fields on the Prospect form; As Of and Re-Flag Status.  Marking a Prospect as a Re-flag will remove the Prospect from the Prospect Queue.  The Prospect will return to the Prospect Queue on the date specified in the As Of field and the Prospect Status will be set to the Re-Flag Status selected.  When a Prospect is set for Re-Flag, it is moved into a separate Re-Flag Prospect Queue.

This option is typically used if the Prospect is interested in a quote from your company but will not be ready for several weeks or months in the future.



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