Sales Management Prospects Prospect Form Definitions

Definitions of the Prospect Form (continued)

Prospect Form Data Entry Fields (continued)

Phone 1 - The primary telephone number for the Prospect.

Phone 2 - The secondary telephone number for the Prospect.

Mobile - The mobile telephone number for the Prospect.

Pager - The pager telephone number for the Prospect.

Fax - The fax telephone number for the Prospect.

Email - The email address for the Prospect.  Entering an email address will make available other functions for the Prospect such as sending an email, creating a Vcard or scheduling an appointment through Microsoft Outlook.

Sales Department - Select the Sales Department to which the Prospect is being assigned.

Salesperson - Select the Salesperson being assigned to the Prospect from the drop-down list.

2nd Salesperson - If a second salesperson is also working on the Prospect, a second Salesperson may be selected from the drop-down list.

Next Follow Up - Enter a date indicating the next time the Prospect needs to be contacted.

Comments - This is a free-form text field to enter important information related to the Prospect.  This field has a 256 character limit.



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