Sales Management Prospects Prospect Form Definitions

Definitions of the Prospect Form (continued)

Prospect Form Function Buttons

There are five function button located at the lower left of the Prospect form; these buttons have links to Microsoft Outlook and MS Word functionality.  To be able to use any of these functions, the workstation must have Microsoft Outlook and MS Word installed.

  Email Button - This option button is only available if an email address was entered on the Prospect form.  Pressing this button will open the Prospect Email form.  The User will enter information into the Subject line and the Summary text box.  Selecting the option Add Summary to Email will add the typed information into the Outlook email to be sent to the Prospect.  Any information entered into the Summary text box will automatically be saved to the Prospect Notes.  After filling out this form, the User will press the Send button located at the lower right of the form; this will open a new Outlook Message form.  The User may add additional information into the email, then send to the Prospect.






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