Accounts Receivable Unapplied Cash & Credits How to Apply Unapplied Items-Accounts Receivable
How to Apply Unapplied Cash & Credits - Accounts Receivable (continued)
2. The Customer Cash/Credit List will be displayed. This listing displays all customers with unapplied items; Unapplied Cash, Unapplied Credit Memos or Unapplied Advance Deposits. Each unapplied item is listed separately for each customer.
The Amount Due column is the total A/R balance on the customer account. If the Amount Due column is zero, no applications may be made to invoices. A User may sort the Customer Cash/Credit List by Amount Due to make it easier to find the customers for whom items may be applied.
When Job invoices are created through the Job Billing process, the User has the option of applying any Advance Deposits for the job at the time of invoice creation. If the Advance Deposit was posted to the customer account after the Job invoice was created, this option may be used to apply the Advance Deposit to the Job invoice.