Accounts Receivable Unapplied Cash & Credits How to Apply Unapplied Items-Accounts Receivable
How to Apply Unapplied Cash & Credits - Accounts Receivable (continued)
Applying an Unapplied Item using the "Other" Options
Applying Advance Deposits
Advance Deposits may be applied to a Miscellaneous G/L Account, a Customer Refund Check or Unapplied Cash. The instructions for applying an Advance Deposit to a Miscellaneous G/L Account or a Customer Refund Check is the same as applying Unapplied Cash to either of these items; refer to the topic links below for instructions.
Applying an Advance Deposit to a Miscellaneous G/L Account
Applying an Advance Deposit to a Refund Check
Apply to Unapplied Cash
This option would be used in the following scenarios:
· A customer job was cancelled but you want to leave the deposit on the customer account as Unapplied Cash to be used for application to non-job type invoices at a later time.
· The customer has more than one open job in process and the original advance deposit was saved to the incorrect job number. The User would first apply the Advance Deposit to Unapplied Cash, then in a second step apply the unapplied cash to an Advance Deposit for the correct job number.
· Unapplied Cash was saved as an Advance Deposit in error and should have been saved as Unapplied Cash.
1. The Apply Date will default to today's date; the User may override this to any date that is in an open accounting period, but not prior to the date the Unapplied Cash Item was created.
2. From the Other tab of the Apply Customer Credit form, select the checkbox to the left of the Unapplied Cash option.
3. The Amount field will automatically fill in with the entire amount of the Advance Deposit that is available. The User may change this to a lower amount if desired.
4. When finished, press the Save button located at the lower right of the form to complete the transaction.