Accounts Receivable Unapplied Cash & Credits How to Apply Unapplied Items-Accounts Receivable

How to Apply Unapplied Cash & Credits - Accounts Receivable (continued)

6.  Select the Other Application Option – If the User is not applying amounts to invoices, navigate to the Other tab.  Select the checkbox to the left of the option where the Unapplied Item will be applied. The User may apply the entire amount to one option or divide the amount between multiple options.  The entire amount of the Unapplied Item does not have to be applied.  Any unapplied amounts will remain as Unapplied Items on the customer account.

7.  Save - When finished, press the Save button located at the bottom of the form.

Applying an Unapplied Item using the "Other" Options

As mentioned earlier, there are three possible types of Unapplied Items; Unapplied Cash, Unapplied Credit Memos and Advance Deposits.  When utilizing the Other options, some Unapplied Items have restrictions as to the choice of application method.  Below is a chart of how the different types of Unapplied Items may be applied.  The application of each Unapplied Item Type will be covered on the following pages.




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