Accounts Receivable Unapplied Cash & Credits How to Apply Unapplied Cash-Customer Explorer

Applying Unapplied Items - Customer Explorer (continued)

Apply Unapplied Cash using the "Other" Options

To apply an Unapplied Cash Item to a Miscellaneous G/L Account, Advance Deposit, or a Refund Check, open the desired customer record  and follow the instructions below.

1.  Select the Unapplied Cash Item to Apply - Once the Customer Explorer record is open, within the Active Pane area under the Open Credits header, highlight the unapplied cash item to be applied to an Other Item, right-click and select the Apply option.

2.  Apply Customer Credit Form - The Apply Customer Credit form will be displayed.  Select the Other tab of this form.

3.  Select the Application Option - Select the checkbox to the left of the option where the unapplied cash item will be applied. The User may apply all of the unapplied cash to one option or divide the amount between multiple options.  The entire amount of the unapplied cash item does not have to be applied.  Any unapplied amounts will remain as Unapplied Cash on the customer account.

4.  Save - When finished, press the Save button located at the bottom of the form.



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