Accounts Receivable Unapplied Cash & Credits How to Apply Unapplied Cash-Customer Explorer
Applying Unapplied Items - Customer Explorer (continued)
Apply Unapplied Cash
The Footer section allows the User to enter a comment in the Memo field to describe why they are applying an unapplied item. Entering information into the Memo field is optional.
3. Apply Amounts to Invoices - In the Payment column of the Invoices tab on the line of the invoice to which the unapplied item will be applied, type in the amount to be applied to the invoice. The software will not allow the entry of an amount greater than the amount displayed in the Balance field in the header section. The User has the option of pressing the Auto button located at the bottom of the form to apply the unapplied item; the amount will be applied to the oldest invoices first if an exact invoice balance amount does not match the unapplied item amount.
4. Memo Field - If desired the User may enter information into the Memo field in the Footer section.
5. Save - When finished, press the Save button located at the lower right of the form.