Accounts Receivable Unapplied Cash & Credits How to Apply Unapplied Cash-Customer Explorer
Applying Unapplied Items - Customer Explorer (continued)
Apply Unapplied Cash
2. Apply Customer Credit Form - The Apply Customer Credit form will be displayed. This form is divided into three sections; the header, the body and the footer sections.
The Header section displays the following information listed below. The only field the User may modify is the Apply Date, which will default to today’s date.
Customer billing name and address
The original amount of the unapplied item
The balance left on the item that may be applied to invoices
The date on which the unapplied item was created
The type of the unapplied item (Unapplied Cash, Unapplied Credit Memo or Advance Deposit)
The Apply Date
The Body section is divided into two tabs; Invoices and Other.
The Invoices tab will list all invoices which have an open balance where unapplied cash may be applied.
The Other tab is used when the customer does not have any open invoices or you want to apply the unapplied item to a Miscellaneous G/L Account, a customer Refund Check or an Advance Deposit for a Job. Not all of the application options on the Other tab are available for all types of unapplied items. Below is a listing of where you may apply an unapplied item depending on the type of unapplied item. To apply unapplied amounts using the Other options tab, follow the topic link below.
Applying Unapplied Items using the Other Options