Accounts Receivable Cycle Invoicing Cycle Non-Master Accounts
How To Cycle Invoice Non-Master Accounts (continued)
Generating a Cycle (continued)
3. Enter Selection Information - The New Cycle Invoicing form will be displayed. The User will need to make selections or enter information into the following fields of this form.
Month – This is a drop-down list from which the User must select which month/year is going to be cycled. If the User wants to cycle a month that has previously been cycled, scroll down the list until the month/year to be cycled is located.
Description – This will default to the Month for which being cycled. The User may change this description or leave the default description.
Include Customers with Bill Day – If your company recurring lines setup is not billing from the beginning of each month, the User may select a particular bill day from the drop-down list. Only recurring lines with a bill day equal to or less than the value selected will be considered for the cycle. If the recurring lines setup is always to bill on the first of the month, then leave this value set to 28.
Branch Selections – If your company has more than one branch, the User may select one or multiple branches by checking the box to the left of each branch to be included in the cycle batch.
Once all selections have been made, press the Save button located at the bottom of the New Cycle Invoicing form to begin the process. A message will be displayed asking if you are ready to begin the Cycle Invoicing process; press the Yes button to execute the cycle invoicing program.
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