Accounts Receivable Cycle Invoicing Cycle Non-Master Accounts
How To Cycle Invoice Non-Master Accounts (continued)
Posting the Cycle Batch
5. Post the Cycle / Create the Invoices - Double-click on the Cycle from the Cycle Invoicing [Batch List]. The Cycle Invoicing Process [Posting] form will be displayed. The User will need to make selections or enter information into the all required fields on this form to be able to post the cycle. Once all fields have been populated, press the Post button located at the bottom of the form to begin the posting process.
Cycle Information
Description – This is a description of the cycle batch, which is for reference purposes only and will default to the description selected when the batch was generated, however the User may change the default description.
Invoice Information
Category – Make a selection from the drop-down list; typically Cycle Billing or Monitoring is the selection. The choices displayed are from the SedonaSetup Category setup table.
A/R Account – This is the G/L posting account for the debit side of the transaction and will default to the Accounts Receivable G/L account number defined in SedonaSetup G/L Account Defaults for AR.
Terms – Make a selection from the drop-down list. The terms code selected will be applied to all invoices in the cycle and determine when the invoices are due. The choices displayed are from the SedonaSetup Terms setup table.
Invoice Date – Type in or select a date by pressing the calendar icon to the right of this field. This field works in conjunction with the selected terms code to determine when the invoice will be due. This also determines which accounting period to which the invoices will be posted.
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