Client Management Customer Explorer RMR Management Creating a New Recurring Line

Creating a new Recurring Line (continued)

Data Entry Fields for the New Recurring Item form

BillTo – If the Customer has more than one BillTo record, pressing the BillTo button will open a list of all active BillTo records from which to make a selection.  If the Customer has only one BillTo record, this will automatically be defaulted into the New Recurring Item form.


Recurring Item – Choose the appropriate Recurring Item code that describes the type of service that will be invoiced to the Customer.  Make a selection from the drop-down list by pressing the arrow to the right of the field.  This field is required.

Description – This field will automatically default to the description associated with the Recurring Item code maintained in SedonaSetup/Invoice Items.  The description may be overridden by the User and will only affect this one Recurring Line.  The User may enter up to 50 characters of information into this field.  This field is required.

Sub Item Of – Select the Recurring Item to be used as a roll-up Recurring Item.  If the Customer will be invoiced for multiple Recurring Lines and it is desired to group certain Recurring Lines together so that only one Recurring Item appears on the customer invoice, the User would assign the same Sub Item of Recurring Item to each recurring line that will be grouped together.  This field is optional.

Bill Cycle – This field indicates how frequently the Customer will be invoiced for the Recurring Item.  Select from one of the available choices: monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual.  This field is required.



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