Client Management Customer Explorer RMR Management Creating a New Recurring Line
Creating a new Recurring Line (continued)
Data Entry Fields for the New Recurring Item form (continued)
RMR Amount – If the Bill Cycle of monthly was selected in the previous field, enter the monthly charges for the recurring line. If a Bill Cycle other than monthly was selected in the Bill Cycle field, this field will be grayed out and the amount to invoice will be entered in the Cycle Amount field (next field below). If the Bill Cycle is not monthly, when the User enters an amount in the Cycle Amount field, the RMR Amount field will automatically fill in. This field is required.
Cycle Amount – If a Bill Cycle other than monthly was selected, this field will be available to enter the cycle amount. If the monthly charge for this service is $25.00 per month, and the bill cycle selected was quarterly, the User would enter the Cycle Amount of $75.00. This field is required.
Next Cycle Date – Select the next cycle date that this recurring line will begin billing from the drop-down list by pressing the arrow to the right of the field. If it is needed to back date the start of the recurring prior to the current accounting month, the User may go back as far as 12 months to begin billing. Scroll to the bottom of the Next Cycle Date list to locate and select older billing periods. This field is required.
Prorating Recurring
If it is your company policy to prorate recurring lines, the User will select the Month/Year that services begin, then in the RMR Start Date field entered the date you will begin billing for the recurring line. For example if the recurring is billed monthly and the services started on 5/14/09 and the May 2009 cycle billing has already been generated, by entering the Next Cycle Date of 05/2009 and the RMR Start Date of 5/14/09, when the June 2009 cycle is generated, the customer will be invoiced for the period of 05/14/09 through 06/30/09.