Client Management Customer Explorer RMR Management Creating a New Recurring Line

Creating a new Recurring Line (continued)

Data Entry Fields for the New Recurring Item form (continued)

Override % – Information entered into this field is used by the Company Rate Change program.  If a value is entered into this field, this will be percentage by which this recurring line will be increased when using the Company Rate Change program.  This field is optional.

PO Number – If your customer has provided a purchase order number which needs to be printed on the cycle invoice, entered that number into this field.  This field is optional.

PO Expires – If a PO Number was entered in the previous field and will expire on a particular date, you may enter the expiration date of the PO in this field.  This field is optional.

Reference – This is a free form text field to enter information specific to this recurring line.  This field is for information purposes only and will not print on the customer invoice.  The User may enter up to 255 characters into this field.  This field is optional.

Comments – This is a free form text field to enter comments specific to this recurring line.  This field is for information purposes only and will not print on the customer invoice.  The User may enter up to 255 characters of information into this field.  This field is optional.



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