Client Management Customer Explorer RMR Management Creating a New Recurring Line
Creating a new Recurring Line (continued)
Data Entry Fields for the New Recurring Item form (continued)
Reason for Add – Select the RMR reason code from the drop-down list that identifies the reason for the creation of this Recurring Line. This field is required.
RMR Start Date – Enter the date that recurring services will begin billing for this Recurring Line. If it is your company policy to prorate Recurring Lines that start after the beginning of a normal billing cycle, this may be accomplished by entering the actual start date of the Recurring Line in this field and then selecting this same month/year in the Next Cycle Date field. This is a required field.
Memo – The Memo field is used to enter information pertaining to the Recurring Line. This information prints on certain custom invoice printing forms. This field is typically used for internal company information. This information will not print on the customer invoice unless a custom invoice form that prints this field is selected during printing. The User may enter up to 2,000 characters of information into this field. The custom invoice forms that will print the Memo field are: CS01, CS06 and CS10. This field is optional.
Renewal – This field is used in conjunction with the following field Rate Increase (date) by the Company Rate Change program within SedonaOffice to select recurring lines which are eligible for rate increases. If your company will not be using the Company Rate Change program, information entered into this field may be used for reporting purposes. This field is optional but recommended.
Rate Increase – This field is used in conjunction with the previous field Renewal (date) by the Company Rate Change program within SedonaOffice to select recurring lines which are eligible for rate increases. If your company will not be using the Company Rate Change program, information entered into this field may be used for reporting purposes. This field is optional but recommended.