Client Management Customer Explorer RMR Management Creating a New Recurring Line
Creating a new Recurring Line (continued)
Data Entry Fields for the Changes form
Future Rate Increase
RMR Reason - Select the RMR reason code from the drop-down list that identifies the reason for the Rate Increase of this Recurring Line. This field is required.
Increase Start Date - Enter the date on which Rate Increase will go into effect and begin billing for this Recurring Line.
Increase RMR - Enter the monthly amount of the increase. If the current rate is $20.00 per month and the recurring line will increase to $25.00 per month, enter the amount of $5.00.
Comments - This is a free form text field to enter comments specific to this recurring line rate increase. This field is for information purposes only and will not print on the customer invoice. The User may enter up to 255 characters of information into this field. This field is optional. This comment is displayed in the RMR History record for the recurring line increase.