Service Service Ticket Queue Overview 

The Service Ticket Queue

The Service Ticket Queue displays a list of all open Service Tickets.  Once a ticket is created, it will remain in one of the Ticket Queues until closed.  Tickets may be opened, viewed and managed by double-clicking on any ticket in the list.  Each Service Ticket is assigned a Status by the application; this status is automatically set by the application depending on what actions have been performed for the ticket.  Refer to the following topic link for a definition of each of the Ticket Status Codes.

Various functions may be performed from the Service Ticket Queue; follow the topic link for a more information about these functions.    Service Ticket Queue Functions

There are four separate ticket queues that are accessed from this form.  Pressing the drop-down arrow at the top of the Service Ticket Queue will display the Queue selections.

Service Ticket Queue - this list will display all open regular Service Tickets processed by your company.

Inspection Ticket Queue - this list will display all open Inspection Tickets that were generated by the Inspection program.

Vendor Service Queue - this list will display all the open tickets that have been assigned to a Service Provider type Service Company on the ticket.

Vendor Inspection Queue - this list will display all open Inspection Tickets generated by the Inspection program that have been assigned to a Service Provider type Service Company on the ticket.

At the top of the Service Ticket Queue are function buttons and filter selections; each function button and filter option will be described on the following pages.





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