Accounts Receivable Unapplied Cash & Credits Unapplied Cash & Credit Topics

Unapplied Cash & Credits Topics

Refer to the topic links below for more information related to Unapplied Cash and Credit application.

Unapplied Cash/Credits Terminology

From the Accounts Receivable/Unapplied Cash/Credit menu option

Applying Unapplied Cash to Invoices

Applying Unapplied Cash to a Miscellaneous G/L Account

Applying Unapplied Cash to an Advance Deposit

Applying Unapplied Cash to a Customer Refund Check

Applying Credit Memos to a Miscellaneous G/L Account

Applying Credit Memos to a Customer Refund Check

Applying an Advance Deposit to a Miscellaneous G/L Account

Applying an Advance Deposit to a Customer Refund Check

Applying an Advance Deposit to Unapplied Cash

From the Customer Explorer

Applying Unapplied Cash to Invoices

Applying Unapplied Cash to a Miscellaneous G/L Account

Applying Unapplied Cash to an Advance Deposit

Applying Unapplied Cash to a Customer Refund Check

Applying Credit Memos to Invoices

Applying Credit Memos to a Miscellaneous G/L Account

Applying Credit Memos to a Customer Refund Check

Applying an Advance Deposit to Invoices

Applying an Advance Deposit to a Miscellaneous G/L Account

Applying an Advance Deposit to a Customer Refund Check

Applying an Advance Deposit to Unapplied Cash